This is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our Sport Up Boost program.

The main goal of the Boost Program is to provide comprehensive support, resources, and guidance to startups and entrepreneurs, with a focus on fostering innovation and driving economic growth in the field of sports and vitality. This program aims to help early-stage businesses develop and thrive in this industry by offering mentorship, access to funding opportunities, and a series of workshops covering essential topics such as pitching, lean startup techniques, digital product development, business model innovation, pricing strategies, go-to-market strategies, marketing techniques, corporate governance, legal considerations, intellectual property rights (IPR), financial planning, human resources (HR), and more. By addressing these critical areas, the Boost Program equips startups with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in the competitive landscape of sports and vitality entrepreneurship.

The Boost Program is open to a diverse range of participants, including:

  • Entrepreneurs: Individuals with innovative ideas related to sports and vitality startups.
  • Early-stage Startups:
    Companies in the early phases of development with a strong focus on sports and vitality.
  • Innovators:
    Those who are passionate about creating impactful solutions in the sports and vitality industry.
  • Talent:
    Individuals with expertise, skills, or a keen interest in contributing to sports and vitality innovation.

Entrepreneurs who meet the following criteria are encouraged to apply:

  1. Focus on Sports and Physical Activity Innovation:
    The program is designed for entrepreneurs who are passionate about innovating in the field of sports and physical activity. This includes areas such as sports performance, health, nutrition, and sports facility management.
  2. Growth Ambition:
    Applicants should demonstrate a clear ambition to grow their startup. Whether you’re at the concept stage or already have a prototype, the program is looking for entrepreneurs who aspire to make a significant impact in the sports and vitality sector.
  3. Diverse and Complementary Team:
    Ideal teams consist of at least two members who bring expertise in product or service development and market-oriented skills. Additionally, having a team member focused on operations and financials is beneficial. However, incomplete teams are still welcome to apply.
  4. Netherlands-Based:
    Applicants should be based in the Netherlands. The program aims to support and nurture innovation within the country.
  5. Market-Driven Idea:
    You should have a product or service idea that is driven by market needs and demands. The program values ideas that have the potential to meet these market needs effectively.
  6. Concept or Prototype Stage: Whether you have a conceptual idea or a prototype of your product or service, you’re eligible to apply. The program can help you refine and develop your concept further.
  7. Initial Business Model:
    While you don’t need a fully-fledged business plan, having an initial business model idea is important. This includes considering how your innovation will generate revenue and create value in the market.
  8. Full Ownership of Innovation (or Working Towards It):
    Applicants are encouraged to have full ownership of their innovation, including intellectual property and rights. If full ownership is not yet established, applicants should be actively working towards securing it. This demonstrates a commitment to maintaining control over your innovation and its future development.

No, there is no application fee to apply for our program. It’s free to submit your application. Please note that there may be a small participation fee if you are accepted into the first pilot programs. For upcoming cohorts, there will be an investment required from the startups.

We are interested in a wide range of startup ideas, with a particular focus on those related to sports and physical activity innovation. This includes areas such as sports performance, health,
nutrition, sports facility management, and sports tech. If you believe your idea has the potential for impact, we encourage you to apply.

The selection process consists of an initial individual application review by our hubs members, followed by a collective jury selection with the top candidates. We evaluate various factors including innovation, market potential, and the capabilities of the team.

Selected startups receive 1-1 mentoring from industry experts, access to workshops and classroom sessions, funding opportunities, and networking events.

The duration of the program is 3 months (12 weeks), during which startups will receive intensive support and guidance.

During the application process, startups are asked if they come from a specific hub or if they would like to belong to a specific institution. This information helps us match startups with their preferred resources and support networks, ensuring a more tailored experience within our program.

The workshops are primarily conducted in person, allowing for hands-on learning and collaboration. However, the format of 1-1 mentoring sessions can be flexible and will be determined by mutual agreement between the coach and the startup. This ensures that the sessions are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each participant.

We do not require equity in your company. Nevertheless, selected startups may have access to funding opportunities through our extensive network of investors and partners. Additionally, eligible tech sports startups may consider applying to the imec.istart.nl accelerator program, which is tailored to support tech companies, to foster their growth and development.

Yes, we welcome international applicants. Our program is open to entrepreneurs and startups from around the world, as long as they are legally based in the Netherlands.

If you have additional questions or need further information, please visit our Contact Us page and our team will be happy to assist you.